To join our club please fill out this application form and email it to Club Email.

Then please remit the relevant membership fee by bank transfer to the following account. Please also include your name in the remarks so we know who it is from.

Hornsby Heights Camera Club        BSB: 062 013 Account: 00902723

Types of membership;

  • Regular membership $80.00

For new members joining:

A reduced scale is payable for joining after March:
Joining Month Regular Renewal / Jan / Feb / March 80.00
April 75.00
May 70.00
June 60.00
July 50.00
August 40.00
September 30.00
October 20.00
Nov/Dec 10.00

On receipt of your form and the membership fee, we will enrol you in the club, give you members’ access to the website, and send you a welcome email which includes information for new members.

By applying for membership of the Hornsby Heights Camera Club Inc. you agree to be bound by the rules of the Club. Please refer to the Club’s Constitution.

Our display night rules can be found here.

The 2024 event calendar can be found here.

Privacy of Information Your information is kept on a club member profile on the MyPhotoClub website.  Members are asked to check their profile and keep their information current.  There are privacy settings available to each member to limit what details other ordinary members can see.  Membership of the club is not disclosed to the public, except where authorship of featured photos is disclosed or where you hold an official position in the Club.  The current membership list and details can be seen by the Club Committee for the purpose of communicating with members.