Join us on 1st October for our outing to the Spring Gardens at Mount Wilson.

We are meeting at Windyridge Gardens 25 Queens Ave, Mount Wilson at 10am. Let Sonia and Nilmini know you are coming through the Whatsapp group here.

Download the flyer here to then send a text to Nilmini and let here know that you’re coming.

Whether you are interested in Botanical photography or not, Mount Wilson is definitely worth the trip. It’s known mostly for it’s incredible vibrant Autumn colours, but many people don’t realise it is just as colourful and beautiful in Spring.
Residents of Mount Wilson open their private gardens to the public during these two seasons for a small fee, usually around $10 – $15 per garden (cash preferred). There is much to enjoy around Mount Wilson itself, but I highly recommend visiting at least two gardens while you are there.
For Spring my recommended gardens in order of preference are –

  1. Nooroo Gardens 11-15 Church Lane, Mount Wilson
  2. Windyridge gardens 25 Queens Ave, Mount Wilson
  3. Breenhold Gardens 29 The Avenue, Mount Wilson
  4. Bebeah Gardens 60 The Avenue, Mount Wilson
    Windyridge offers complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits upon entry. Other than that, there are no other options for purchasing food in or around Mt Wilson. We suggest you take a picnic lunch and enough to drink for the day.
    Camera equipment to take –
    o Camera
    o Lenses – Macro if you have one but not essential, any other lens available
    o Tripod
    o Spare Batteries
    o Spare memory cards

Suggested extras to take with you but aren’t essential –
o A piece of black or white mat board to place behind a flower to remove a
distracting background.
o A spray bottle of water to create water droplets on a flower for extra effect.
o A torch or light source
o Any other props you think might work in a garden setting

All outings are an opportunity to brush up on your photography skills or learn a new skill. You will have a great day regardless of what you choose to do in Mount Wilson.

We hope to see you there!