Further to the email sent out yesterday about Nil’s talk on 31st May… Peter Eastway was due to join us but is unfortunately unable to present as planned, so we look forward to seeing him in 2023. Instead, we have decided to turn the evening into a long awaited social event, where we can chat with one another and nibble on some yummy food. 

We are also thrilled that our awarded and valued member, Nil De Silva, has offered to share with us some of the stories behind the images in her book, Fate or Destiny: Living Life with Passion. Prints from her previous exhibition will be on display also which will provide a great opportunity for discussion. Nil’s book will also be available for purchase at a heavily discounted price of $20, with all proceeds going back into the club so that we can continue to provide our members with great speakers and events. We are very thankful to Nil and her generous donation to the club.

But wait, there is more! 

Corinna has also kindly offered to talk about what a “portfolio” might be and how we can all learn from working on a project like this. With any luck, Sonia will be well enough to join us and display some of her past portfolios for us to view and discuss.

Don’t miss this fun and interesting night we have in store for you!

Place: Mount Colah Community Centre

Time: 7.30pm

Bring: MUG & a small plate of food to share

Remember: Don’t be the one who misses out